Photo Gallery
La Marca Marine is always involved in several big watersports events every year and we capture our moments in pictures that are worth remembering.
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ZAR97 at Volvo Ocean Race 2015
21 Jan 2015
Video taken from La Marca Marine ZAR97 with media onboard, while filming of the passing of the lead boat DongFeng, south of Singapore (uncut)
ZAR97 at Singapore Yacht Show 2014
10 - 14 April 2014
ZAR97 touring the marina area of One Degree 15.
Video Footage taken by YachtsXL

Arrival for the ZF3 for Singapore Yacht Show 2014
31st March 2014
On 1st of April, the first ZAR ZF3 Tender was delivered to it’s new customer, Arthur Tay at One Degree 15 Marina.
First trial runs showed how superb the boat handles. With a heavy load and slightly agitated sea, it showed its ability to cut through the waves effortlessly with its aggressive bow, reaching top speeds of 27 knots on its maiden voyage with a 60HP Suzuki engine.
The ZF3 will be officially launched and displayed for the first time at the 2014 Singapore Yacht Show.

Extreme Sailing Series: Singapore 2014
20th - 23rd February 2014
Singapore was the first race of the season for the Extreme 40 sailing series. La Marca Marine was the official Support RIB and media boat provider for the event.
Due to great wind, there was lots of action, and the boats proved to be excellent again for the task.

MediaCorp Filming of "Gonna Make It " TV series 2013
28th June 2013
In between La Marca Marine was a sponsor and supporter of MediaCorp for the filming of a mini-series, “Gonna Make It”.
The filming took place at sea, and the ZAR 97 was used to make all the shots at sea of the drama series.

Nepture Regatta 2013
10 - 16th February 2013
La Marca Marine was the official Sponsor of the Neptune 2013 regatta, supporting with two safeties and rescue, as well as one Media Boat for the Discovery Channel team.
La Marca also sponsored as the official tracking and communication partner with its DeLorme inReach satellite communication devices, which resulted in continuous tracking and even two SOSs and rescues during a storm on the way down.
The whole event was a lot of fun. During the preparation phase, the ZAR97 did a one way trip to the equator taking only 2.5 hours one way!

HUGO BOSS Alex Thompson Racing 2012
20 August 2012
La Marca Marine was the Official Tender support boat for the Hugo Boss Alex Thomson world record boat, when it was here for an event in 2013.
All guests were ferried over to Lazarus Island to then board the racing yacht, as its keel was too deep to enter the marina. People transferred to the boat at speeds of up to 5 knots without problems.

Boat Asia 2012
12 - 15 April 2012

Extreme 40 Sailing Series 2011
9 - 11 December 2011

Audi Ultra A6 Launch 2011
26 September 2011
Audi launched its latest A6 with a huge event in Marina Bay which spanned over 10 days.
Tow boats by La Marca Marine, A ZAR73 and a ZAR53, were the official support boats which ferried, celebrities, guests and potential Audi A6 customers to the AUDI ULTRA fibre carbon race yacht.
We also supported during the acrobatic task of getting the AUDI ULTRA capsized under the spiral bridge.

Boat Asia 2011
12 - 15 May 2011